Saturday, October 22, 2011


In a marvelous catechesis, the Lord and the Virgin Mary have been instructing us, in the first place, about the way to pray the Holy Rosary, to pray with our hearts, meditating and enjoying the moments of our encounter with God and our Blessed Mother. They have also taught us the way to make a good Confession, and [in this testimony] they have shown us what takes place during the celebration of the Holy Mass and the way to live it with our hearts.

2) This is the testimony that I must and want to give to the whole world, for the greater Glory of God and for the salvation of all those who want to open their hearts to Him. It is given so that many souls who are consecrated to God may rekindle the fire of their love for Christ; those who own the hands that have the power to bring Christ to earth to be our nourishment [the priestly souls] and the others [the religious souls] that they may break loose of the habit of receiving Him as a “routine practice” and relive the amazement of the every day encounter with Love. And it is given so that my lay brothers and sisters the world over may live the greatest of Miracles, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist with their hearts.

Order of the Mass: PREPARATION - (Prayers at the foot of the Altar)

3) It was the vigil of the Annunciation and the members of our group and I had gone to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Some of the ladies of the prayer group were not able to do it then, and they left their Confession for the next day before Holy Mass.

4) When I arrived to Church the next day, a little bit late, His Excellency, the Archbishop and the priests were already coming out of the sacristy. With that gentle and feminine voice that sweetens one’s soul, the Virgin Mary said:

5) “Today is a day of learning for you; and I want you to pay close attention because all that you witness today, everything that you experience on this day; you will have to share with all humanity.” I became awe struck and did not understand [the meaning of Her words] but I tried to be very attentive.

6) The first thing I noticed was a choir of very beautiful voices that was singing as if from far away. At times the music would draw closer and then move farther away, like the sound of the wind.

7) His Excellency started Mass, and when he reached the Penitential Rite the Blessed Virgin said:

8) “From the bottom of your heart ask the Lord’s forgiveness for all your faults, for having offended Him. In this way you will be able to participate worthily in this privilege that is, to attend Holy Mass.”

9) I must have thought for a split second: ”But I am in the state of Grace. I just went to confession last night.”

10) She answered: “Do you think you have not offended the Lord since last night? Let Me remind you of a few things. When you were leaving home to come here, the girl who helps you approached you to ask for something, and since you were running late, you answered her in a hurry and not in the best way. That was a lack of charity on your part, and you say that you have not offended God...?

11) "On your way here a bus crossed into your lane and almost hit you. You expressed yourself in an unfitting manner against that poor man, instead of
coming saying your prayers and preparing yourself for Mass. You showed lack of charity and you lost your peace and patience. And you say that you have not hurt the Lord…?

12) "You arrive at the last minute when the procession of the celebrants to the Altar has begun… and you are going to participate in the Mass without previous preparation..."

13) “All right my Mother, say no more to me,” I replied. “You do not have to remind me of more things because I am going to die of grief and shame.”

14) "Why must you all arrive at the last moment? You should arrive earlier so that you can say a prayer and ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit may grant you a spirit of peace and cleanse you of the spirit of the world, your worries, your problems and your distractions in order that you may be able to live this so sacred a moment. However, you arrive almost when the celebration is about to begin, and you participate in Mass as if it were an ordinary event, without any spiritual preparation. Why? This is the greatest of Miracles. You are going to live the moment when the Most High God gives His greatest gift and you do not appreciate it."

15) That was enough. I felt so bad that I had more than enough to ask for forgiveness from God. Not only for the offenses of that day, but also for all the times that, like so many other people, I had waited for the priest to finish his homily before I entered the Church. I asked forgiveness for the times when I did not know or refused to understand what it meant to be there, and for the times perhaps, when having my soul full of more serious sin, I had dared to participate in the Holy Mass.

Order of the Mass: PREPARATION - (The Gloria)

16) It was a Feast day and the Gloria was to be recited. Our Lady said: “Glorify and bless the Most Holy Trinity with all your love, in your acknowledgement of being the Trinity’s creature.”

17) How different was that Gloria! Suddenly I saw myself in a far off place full of light, before the Majestic Presence of the Throne of God. With how much love I went on thanking Him, as I repeated: “For your immense Glory we praise You, we bless You, we worship You, we glorify You, we give You thanks, Lord, God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty.” And I evoked the paternal countenance of the Father, full of kindness… “Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world…” And Jesus was in front of me, with that face full of tenderness and Mercy...” For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the most High Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit...” the God of beautiful Love.... He, Who at that moment, was filling my entire being with joy…

18) And I asked: “Lord, deliver me from all evil spirits. My heart belongs to You. My Lord, send me Your peace so that I may obtain the best possible benefits from this Eucharist and that my life may produce the finest fruits. Holy Spirit of God, transform me, act within me, guide me. Oh God, give me the gifts that I need to serve you better…!”

Order of the Mass: PREPARATION - (The Epistle and The Gospel) [Liturgy of the Word]

19) The moment of the Liturgy of the Word arrived and the Virgin Mary had me repeat: “Lord, today I want to listen to Your Word and produce abundant fruit. Let Your Holy Spirit cleanse the soil of my heart so that Your Word may grow and develop in it. Lord, purify my heart so that it may be well disposed.”

20) Our Lady said: “I want you to be attentive to the readings and to the entire homily of the priest. Remember that the Bible says that the Word of God does not return without having born fruit. If you are attentive, something of all that you have heard will remain in you. You must try to recall all day long those Words that have left an impression on you. Sometimes it may be two verses; other times the reading of the entire Gospel or perhaps only one word. Savor them for the rest of the day and this will then become part of you, because that is the way to change one’s life, by allowing the Word of God to transform you.

21) “And now tell the Lord that you are here to listen to what, you want Him to say to your heart today.”

22) Once again I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to hear His Word. And I asked Him to forgive me for having had so hard a heart for so many years, and for having taught my children that they should go to Mass on Sunday [only] because it was so commanded by the Church and not for love, for the need to be filled by God…

23) For I, who had attended so many Eucharistic Celebrations, mostly to fulfill an obligation, and thus believed that I was saved, the thought of living the celebration had never entered my mind, much less that of paying attention to the readings or to the priest’s homily!

24) What great sorrow did I feel about so many years of needless loss because of my ignorance!… How superficial is our attendance at Mass when we go only because it is a wedding Mass or a funeral Mass or because we want to be seen by society! What great ignorance about our Church and the Sacraments! How much waste in trying to educate ourselves and becoming cultured about the things of the world, things which can disappear in one moment leaving us with nothing. Things, which at the end of our lives, do not even serve us to prolong our existence by one single minute! And yet we know nothing of what will obtain for us a little bit of Heaven on earth and eventually, eternal life. And we call ourselves cultured men and women…!

Order of the Mass: OFFERTORY – (Offering Bread & Wine and Preface)

25) A moment later came the Offertory, and the Holy Virgin said: “Pray like this: (and I followed) Lord, I offer all that I am, all that I have, all that I can. I put everything into Your Hands. Build up Lord, with the little that I am. Transform me, God Almighty, through the merits of Your Son. I ask for my family, for my benefactors, for each member of our Apostolate, for all the people who persecute us, for those who commend themselves to my poor prayers… Teach me to lay my heart down on the ground before them, so that their walk may be less hard... This is how the saints prayed; this is how I want all of you to pray.”

26) And this is how Jesus asks us to pray, that we lay our hearts on the ground so that they [for whom we intercede] may not feel its harshness, but rather that we give them relief through the pain caused by their stepping on our hearts. Years later, I read a prayer booklet by a Saint whom I love dearly, José María Escrivá de Balaguer, and in that booklet I found a prayer similar to that which the Virgin Mary taught me. Perhaps this Saint, to whom I entrust myself, pleased the Virgin Mary with those prayers.

27) Suddenly, some characters that I had not seen before began to stand up. It was as if from the side of each person present in the Cathedral another person emerged, and soon the Cathedral became full of young beautiful beings. They were dressed in very white robes and started to move into the central isle, on their way to the Altar.

28) Our Mother said: “Observe. They are the Guardian Angels of each one of the persons who are here. This is the moment in which your guardian angel carries your offerings and petitions before the Altar of the Lord.”

29) At that point I was completely astonished because these beings had such beautiful faces, so radiant as one is unable to imagine. Their countenance was very beautiful, they had almost feminine faces; however, the structure of their body, their hands, their height were masculine. Their naked feet did not touch the floor, but rather they went as if gliding. That procession was very beautiful.

30) Some of them were carrying something like a golden bowl with something [inside] that shone a great deal with a golden white light. The Virgin Mary said: “Observe. They are the Guardian Angels of the people, who are offering this Holy Mass for many intentions, those who are conscious of the significance of this celebration, those who have something to offer to the Lord…

31) “Make your offering at this moment… Offer up your sorrows, your pains, your dreams, your sadness, your joys. Offer your petitions. Remember that the Mass has infinite value. Therefore, be generous in your offering and in your asking.”

32) Behind the first Angels came others who had nothing in their hands; they were going empty handed. The Virgin Mary said: “Those are the angels of the people who, in spite of being here, never offer anything. They have no interest in living every liturgical moment of the Mass, and their Angels have no offerings to carry before the Altar of the Lord.”

33) At the end of the procession came other Angels who were rather sad, with their hands together in prayer, but with their eyes downcast. “These are the Guardian Angels of the people who are here, yet they are not here. That is to say, they are the people who have seen themselves forced to come, who have come here out of obligation but without any desire to participate in the Holy Mass. Their Angels go forth in sadness because they have nothing to carry to the Altar, except for their own prayers.

34) “Do not sadden your Guardian Angels… Ask for much. Ask for the conversion of sinners, for peace in the world, for your relatives, your neighbors, for
those who commend themselves to your prayers. Ask for much, not only for yourselves, but also for all the others.

35) “Remember that the offering which most pleases the Lord, is when you offer yourselves as a holocaust so that Jesus, upon His descent may transform you by His own merits. What do you have to offer the Father by yourselves? Nothingness and sin, but the offering of yourselves united to the merits of Jesus, is pleasing to the Father.”

36) That spectacle, that procession was so beautiful, that it would be difficult to compare it to another. All those celestial creatures were bowing before the Altar, some leaving their offering on the floor, others prostrating themselves on their knees, their foreheads almost touching the ground. And upon reaching the Altar, they would disappear from my sight.

Order of the Mass: OFFERTORY(Sanctus - Holy, Holy, Holy)
37) The final moment of the Preface had arrived, and suddenly, when the assembly was saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” everything that was behind the celebrants disappeared. Behind the left side of the Archbishop appeared thousands of Angels in a diagonal line: small Angels, large Angels, Angels with immense wings, Angels with small wings, Angels with no wings. Like the previous Angels, all were dressed in tunics like the white albs of the priests and altar boys.

38) Everyone knelt down with hands placed together in prayer and bowed their heads in reverence. You could hear the most beautiful music, as if there were very many choirs harmonizing in different voices, all of them saying in unison with the people: Holy, Holy, Holy…

Order of the Mass: CANON - (Consecration)
39) The moment of the Consecration had arrived, the moment of the most marvelous of Miracles… Behind the right side of the Archbishop appeared a multitude of people also in a diagonal line. They were dressed in the same kind of tunics as the Guardian Angels but in soft colors: rose, green, light blue, lilac, yellow; that is, in different and very soft colors. Their faces were also brilliant, full of joy. They all seemed to be of the same age.

You could tell (and I cannot say why) that there were people of different ages but their faces looked the same, without wrinkles, happy. They all knelt down as well, at the singing of the “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord…”

Order of the Mass: CANON - (Commemoration of the Living & the Saints  and Consecration)

40) Our Lady said: “These are all the Saints and the Blessed in Heaven, and among them are also the souls of your relatives and family members who already enjoy the Presence of God.” Then I saw Her. She was there, exactly to the right of His Excellency, the Archbishop… a step behind the celebrant. She was suspended a little off the floor, kneeling on some very fine fabrics, transparent but luminous at the same time, like crystalline waters. The Holy Virgin, Her hands joined together, was looking attentively and respectfully at the celebrant. And She was speaking to me from there, but silently, directly to my heart, without looking at me:

41) “It seems strange to you seeing Me a little behind Monsignor1, does it not? This is how it should be... Notwithstanding how much My Son loves Me, He has not given Me the dignity that He gives a priest, of being able to bring My Son in My hands daily, as the priestly hands do. Because of this I feel such profound respect for a priest and for the whole miracle that God carries out through a priest, that I am compelled to kneel here.”

42) My God, how much dignity, how much grace the Lord pours out over the priestly souls. And neither we, nor perhaps some of them, are aware of it.

43) There began to appear in front of the Altar some shadows in human form, gray in color, and they were raising their hands upwards. The Holy Virgin said: “These are the blessed souls of Purgatory who wait for your prayers to be refreshed. Do not stop praying for them. They pray for you but they cannot pray for themselves. It is you who have to pray for the blessed souls in order to help them depart [from Purgatory], that they may go to their encounter with God and enjoy Him eternally.

44) “As you see, I am here all the time. People go on pilgrimages and look for My apparition sites, and that is good because of all the graces that they receive there. But during no apparition, nor in any other place am I present longer [over time] than at the Holy Mass. You will always find Me at the foot of the Altar where the Eucharist is celebrated. At the foot of the Tabernacle, I remain with the angels because I am always with Him.”

45) To see that beautiful countenance of our Mother at that moment of the “Sanctus”, together with all the others with their resplendent faces, their hands placed together, awaiting that miracle which repeats itself continuously, was to be in Heaven itself. And to think that there are people, that there are some of us who can be distracted, talking at that moment… I say with sorrow that many men, more than women, stand with their arms crossed, as if paying homage to the Lord from one equal to another.

46) The Virgin Mary said: “Tell everybody that never is a man more a man than when he bends his knees before God.”

47) The celebrant said the words of the “Consecration.” He was a person of normal height but suddenly he began to grow and become filled with light. A supernatural light between white and gold enveloped him and grew very strong around his face, in such a way that I could not see his features. When he raised the Sacred Form, I saw his hands. There were some marks on the back of his hands, from which emanated a great deal of light. It was Jesus!… It was He Who was wrapping His Body around the celebrant, as if He were lovingly surrounding the hands of His Excellency. At that moment the Host began to grow and became enormous, and upon it was the marvelous Face of Jesus, looking toward His people.

48) By instinct I was about to bow my head and Our Lady said: “Do not look down. Look up to view and contemplate Him. Cross your gaze with His and repeat the Fatima prayer: Lord, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love You. Forgiveness and Mercy… Now tell Him how much you love Him and render your homage to the King of Kings.”

49) I told it to Him. It seemed that I was the only one that He was looking at from the enormous Host. But I learned that this was how He gazed at each person, with love to the fullest. Then I bowed my head until I had my forehead on the floor, as did all the Angels and the Blessed from Heaven. I wondered, perhaps for a fraction of a second, what was all that about Jesus taking on the body of the celebrant, and at the same time being inside the Host, which upon being lowered by the celebrant, became small again. Tears were running down my cheeks. I was unable to let go of my astonishment.

50) Immediately afterwards, Monsignor said the consecratory words for the wine and, as the words were being said, lightning began to flash in the sky and in the background. There was no church ceiling and no walls. It was all in darkness, but for that brilliant light on the Altar.

51) Suddenly, I saw Jesus crucified suspended in the air. I saw Him from the head to the lower part of His chest. The cross beam of the Cross was sustained by some strong, large hands. From within the resplendent light, a much smaller, brilliant light came forth like that of a very small, very brilliant dove. It swiftly flew once around the entire Church and went to rest on the left shoulder of His Excellency who continued being Jesus, because I could make out His long hair, His luminous wounds and His large body, but I could not see His Face.

52) Above, was Jesus crucified, His head fallen upon His right shoulder. I was able to contemplate His face, His bruised arms and torn flesh. He had a wound on the right side of His chest and blood was gushing out toward the left; and what looked like water, but very brilliant, [gushed out] toward the right. They were more like jets of light coming forth towards the faithful, and moving to the right and to the left. I was amazed at the amount of blood that was flowing into the Chalice. I thought it would overflow and stain the whole Altar, but not a single drop was spilled!

53) At that moment the Virgin Mary said: “This is the miracle of miracles. I have repeated this to you. Time and space do not exist for the Lord, and at the
moment of the Consecration all the assembly is taken to the foot of Calvary at the instant of the crucifixion of Jesus.”

54) Can anyone imagine that? Our eyes cannot see it, but we all are there at the very moment when Jesus is being crucified, and He is asking for forgiveness to the Father, not only for those who are killing Him, but also for each one of our sins: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

55) From that day on, I do not care if I am taken for a mad woman but I ask everyone to kneel and to try to live this privilege that the Lord grants us, with his or her heart and with all the sensitivity that she or he is capable.

Order of the Mass: COMMUNION - The Pater Noster (The Our Father)

56) When we were about to pray the Our Father, the Lord spoke for the first time during the celebration and said: “Wait, I want you to pray with the deepest profundity that you can summon. At this moment I want you to bring to mind that person or persons who have done you the most harm during your life, so that you may embrace them close to your bosom and say to them from your heart: “In the Name of Jesus, I forgive you and wish you peace. In the Name of Jesus, I ask for your forgiveness and wish you my peace. If the person merits peace, he or she will receive it and greatly benefit from it; if that person is not capable of opening up to peace, then that peace will return to your heart. But I do not want you to receive or offer peace to others when you are not capable of forgiving and feeling that peace in your own heart first.

57) “Beware of what you do,” continued the Lord “You repeat in the Our Father, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. If you are capable of forgiving and not forgetting, as some say, you are conditioning the forgiveness of God. You are saying: forgive me only as I am capable of forgiving but not further.”

58) I do not know how to explain my pain at the realization of how much we can hurt the Lord. Also, how much we can injure ourselves by holding so many grudges, bad feelings and unflattering things, which stem from our own unconscious feelings and over-sensibilities. I forgave; I forgave from my heart, and asked for forgiveness from all the people whom I had hurt at one time or another, in order to feel the peace of the Lord.

Order of the Mass: COMMUNION

59) The celebrant said, “...grant us peace and unity…” and then, “the peace of the Lord be with you...”

60) Suddenly I saw amid some (but not all) of the people who were embracing each other that a very intense light placed itself in between them. I knew it was Jesus and I practically threw myself to embrace the person next to me. I could truly feel the embrace of the Lord in that light. It was He Who was embracing me to give me His peace, because in that moment I had been able to forgive and remove from my heart all grief that others had caused. That is what Jesus wants, to share in that moment of joy, hugging us in order to wish us His Peace.

61) The moment of the celebrants’ Communion arrived. There I once again noticed the presence of all the priests next to Monsignor. When he took Communion, the Virgin Mary said:

62) “This is the moment to pray for the celebrant and the priests who accompany him. Repeat along with Me: “Lord, bless them, sanctify them, help them, purify them, love them, take care of them and sustain them with Your Love… Remember all the priests in the world. Pray for all the consecrated souls...”

63) Dear brothers and sisters, this is the moment in which we must pray for them, because they are the Church, as also are we, the laity. Many times we the laity demand much from the priests but we are incapable of praying for them, of understanding that they are human, and of comprehending and appreciating the solitude that many times can surround a priest.

64) We must understand that priests are people like ourselves, and that they are in need of our caring and understanding. They need affection and attention from us because in consecrating themselves to Jesus, they are giving their lives for each one of us, as He did.

65) The Lord wants that the people in the flock, who have been entrusted to him by God, pray and help in the sanctification of their Pastor. Someday, when
we are on the other side, we will understand the wonder worked by the Lord in giving us priests to help us save our souls.

66) The people began to leave their pews to go to Communion. The great moment of the encounter in Holy Communion had arrived. The Lord said to me: “Wait a moment. I want you to observe something…” An interior impulse made me raise my eyes towards the person who was about to receive Communion on the tongue from the hands of the priest.

67) I must explain that this person was one of the ladies from our group who had been unable to get to Confession the previous night and had done so just that morning before Holy Mass. When the priest placed the Sacred Host on her tongue, something like a flash of light, that very golden-white light (that I had seen before) went right through this person’s back first, and then continued to envelop her back, her shoulders and her head. The Lord said:

68) “This is how I am pleased to embrace a soul who comes with a clean heart to receive Me!”

69) The tone of Jesus’ voice was that of a happy person. I was in awe, looking at my friend return to her pew, surrounded by light, embraced by the Lord. I thought of the wonder that we miss so many times by going to receive Jesus with our small or large offenses when it should be instead a celebration.

70) Many times we say that there are not always priests to hear our Confession. But the problem is not about always going to Confession. The problem rests in our ease of falling into evil again. On the other hand, in the same way that women make an effort to look for a beauty parlor, or that men, for a barber when we have a party, we also have to make an effort to seek a priest when we need all those dirty things removed from us. We must not have the audacity to receive Jesus at any time with our hearts full of ugly things.

71) While on my way to receive Communion, Jesus said: “The Last Supper was the moment of the greatest intimacy with My own. During that hour of love I instituted what in the eyes of mankind might be the greatest madness, to make Myself a prisoner of Love. I instituted the Eucharist. I wanted to remain with you until the end of time because My Love could not bear that you, whom I loved more than My Life, be left orphans…”

72) I received that Host which had a different flavor. It was a mixture of blood and incense that inundated me entirely. I felt so much love that the tears ran down my cheeks, prevailing over my efforts to hold them back.

73) When I returned to my seat and started to kneel down, the Lord said: “Listen...” And a moment later, I began to hear the prayers of the lady who was seated in front of me and who had just received Communion.

74) What she was saying without opening her mouth was more or less like this: “Lord, remember that we are at the end of the month and I do not have the money to pay the rent, the car and the children’s school. You have to do something to help me… Please, make my husband stop drinking so much. I can no longer bear his drunken episodes, and my youngest son is going to be held back again this year if you do not help him. He has exams this week. And do not forget that my neighbor must move to another place. Have her do it at once because I cannot stand her any more… etc., etc..”

75) Then, His Excellency said: “Let us pray,” and obviously all the assembly stood up for the final prayer. Jesus said in a sad tone: “Did you notice? Not once did she tell Me that she loved Me. Not once did she give thanks for My gift to her of bringing My Divinity down to her poor humanity to elevate her toward Me. Not a single time did she say: ‘Thank You Lord.’ It has been a litany of requests… and almost all of those who come to receive Me are like that.

76) “I have died for love and I am risen. For love I await each one of you, and for love I remain with you... But you do not realize that I need your love. Remember that I am the Beggar of Love in this sublime hour for the soul.”

77) Do you realize that He, Love, is begging for our love and we do not give it to Him? Moreover, we avoid going to that encounter with the Love of Loves, with the only Love who gives Himself in a permanent oblation.

78) As the celebrant was about to impart the blessing, the Most Holy Virgin said: “Be attentive, be careful… [Many of] you make any old sign instead of the Sign of the Cross. Remember that this blessing could be the last one that you receive from the hands of a priest. You do not know if after leaving here you will die or not. You do not know if you will have the opportunity to receive a blessing from another priest. Those consecrated hands are giving you the blessing in the Name of the Holy Trinity. Therefore, make the Sign of the Cross with respect, as if it were the last one of your life.”

79) How many things we forego by not understanding and not participating daily in Holy Mass! Why not make an effort to begin the day a half-hour earlier so as to hurry to the Holy Mass and receive all the blessings that the Lord wants to pour out on us?

80) I am aware that not everybody can go to daily Mass because of their obligations, but at least two or three times a week. And yet so many avoid going to Mass on Sunday, using the smallest excuse: that they have a child, or two or ten so they cannot go to Mass. How do people manage when they have other important types of commitments? They take all the children with them, or they take turns with the husband going at one hour and the wife at another, but they fulfill their duty to God.

81) We have time to study, to work, to entertain ourselves, to rest, but WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO GO TO HOLY MASS AT LEAST ON SUNDAYS.

Order of the Mass: CONCLUSION

82) Jesus asked me to remain with Him a few minutes longer after Mass was over. He said:

83) “Do not run out as soon as Mass is over; stay a moment in My company. Enjoy it and let Me enjoy yours…”

84) As a child I had heard someone say that the Lord remained with us for five or ten minutes, after Communion. I asked Him at this moment:

85) “Lord, for how long do You really remain with us after Communion?”

86) I suppose that the Lord must have laughed at my silliness because He answered: “For as long as you want to have Me with you. If you speak to Me all day long, offering Me some words as you go about your chores, I will listen to you. I am always with all of you. It is you who leave Me. You come out of
Mass and you are done with the day of obligation. You kept the day of the Lord and that is it. You do not think that I would like to share in your family life with you, at least on that day.

87) “In your homes you have a place for everything and a room for each activity: a room to sleep, another to cook, another to eat, etc., etc.. Which is
the place you have made for Me? It must be not just a place where you have an image that is dusty all the time, but a place where at least five minutes a day, the family meets to give thanks for the day and for the gift of life, to ask for their needs of the day, to ask for blessings, protection, health… Everything has a place in your homes, but Me.

88) “Men plan their day, their week, their semester, their vacations, etc.. They know what day they are going to rest, what day they will go to the movies or
to a party, or visit grandmother or the grandchildren, their friends, the children, or go to their diversions. How many families say at least once a month: ‘This is the day for our turn to go and visit Jesus in the Tabernacle, and the whole family comes to talk to Me? How many sit down before Me and have a
conversation with Me, telling Me how it has been since the last time, telling Me their problems, the difficulties, asking Me for what they need… allowing Me to share in their things? How many times?

89) “I know everything. I read even the deepest secrets in your hearts and minds. But I enjoy your telling Me about your things, your allowing Me to share in as a family member, as the most intimate friend. How many graces man fails to receive by not giving Me a place in his life!”

90) When I stayed with Him that day and on many other days, He continued to give us teachings, and today I want to share them with you on this mission that has been entrusted to me. Jesus says:

91) “I wanted to save My creatures because the moment of opening the door to Heaven has been impregnated with too much pain…” “Remember
that no mother has ever fed her child with her own flesh. I have gone to that extreme of Love in order to communicate My merits to all of you. “

92) “The Holy Mass is Myself prolonging My life and My sacrifice on the Cross among you. Without the merits of My life and My Blood, what would you
have to present yourselves before the Father? Nothingness, misery and sin…”

93) “You should exceed the Angels and Archangels in virtue, because they do not have the joy of receiving Me as nourishment like you do. They drink a drop from the spring, but you, who have the grace of receiving Me, have the whole ocean to drink.”

94) The other thing that the Lord spoke about with sorrow concerned the people who go to their encounter with Him out of habit, those souls who have lost the awe of each encounter with Him. He said that routine turns some people so lukewarm that they have nothing new to tell Jesus when they receive Him.

95) He spoke of no small number of consecrated souls who lose their enthusiasm about falling in love with the Lord, and turn their vocation into a trade, a
profession to which they give no more than what it demands of them, but without the sentiment…

96) Then the Lord spoke to me about the fruits that each Communion must yield in us. It does happen that there are people who receive the Lord daily but do not change their lives. They spend many hours in prayer and do many works, etc., etc., but their lives do not go on transforming, and a life that does not continue to transform itself cannot bear true fruits for the Lord. The merits we receive in the Eucharist should bear the fruits of conversion within us and fruits of charity toward our brothers and sisters.

97) We, the laity, have a very important role within our Church. We have no right to remain silent in the presence of the command that the Lord gives to us as baptized men and women to go forth and announce the Good News. We do not have any right to absorb all this knowledge and not share it with others, and allow our brothers and sisters to starve while we have so much bread in our hands.

98) We cannot watch our Church crumble while we are comfortably staying in our parishes and homes, receiving and receiving so much from the Lord: His Word; the priest’s homilies; the pilgrimages; the Mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation; the marvelous union and nourishment of Holy Communion; and the talks given by such and such preachers.

99) In other words, we are receiving so much and do not have the courage to leave our comfort zone and go to a jail, to a correctional institution and speak to those who need it the most. To tell them not to give up, that they were born Catholic and that their Church needs them there, suffering, because this suffering will serve to redeem others, because that sacrifice will gain for them eternal life.

100) We are incapable of going to hospitals, to the terminally ill, and praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to help them with our prayer during that time of struggle between good and evil, and to free them from the snares and temptations of the devil. Every dying person is fearful, and they feel comforted merely by our taking their hand and talking to them, talking about the love of God and the wonder that awaits them in Heaven, close to Jesus and Mary, close to their departed ones.

101) The hour that we live does not allow us to side with the indifferent. We must be an extension of the hands of our priests and go where they cannot reach. But in order to afford ourselves the courage to do it, we must receive Jesus, live with Jesus and nourish ourselves with Jesus.

102) We are afraid to commit a little further. And yet, when the Lord says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and the rest will be added onto you,” it is about the whole thing, brothers and sisters. It means to seek the Kingdom of God in all possible ways and through all available means, and… to open our hands in order to receive EVERYTHING additionally! This is because He is the Boss, Who pays the best; the only One Who is attentive to the least of your needs!

103) Brothers, sisters, thank you for allowing me to carry out the mission that has been entrusted to me of having these pages reach you.

104) The next time you go to Holy Mass, live it. I know that the Lord will fulfill for you His promise that “Your Mass will never again be the same as
before,” and when you receive Him, love Him! Experience the sweetness of feeling yourself resting against the folds of His side, pierced for you to leave
you His Church and His Mother; in order to open for you the doors to His Father’s House, so that you can feel for yourself His Merciful Love through this
testimony, and try to reciprocate with your small, little love.

105) May God bless you on this Easter.

Your sister in the Living Jesus,


Lay Missionary of the
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Apostolate of the New Evangelization (ANE) (in Spanish)

Source: or go to

Saturday, October 15, 2011

+A Short Version of the Catechism of the Vows

 Q. What is a vow?

A. A vow is a voluntary promise made to God, to carry out a more perfect act.

Q. Is a vow binding in a matter which is the object of a commandment?

A. Yes. The carrying out of an act which is the object of a commandment has a double value and merit; and the neglect of such an act is a double transgression and evil, because by breaking such a vow we add to the sin against the commandment, the sin of sacrilege.

Q. Why do religious vows have such value?

A. Because they are the foundation of the religious life approved by the Church, in which the members bound together in a religious community undertake to strive always for perfection by means of the three religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, observed according to the rules.

Q. What is the meaning of the words, "strive for perfection?"

A. To strive for perfection means that the religious life does not in itself demand that perfection be already attained, but obliges, under the pain of sin, that we work daily to attain it. Therefore, a religious who does not want to become perfect neglects his principal duty of state.

Q. What are "solemn" religious vows?

A. " Solemn" religious vows are so absolute that, in extraordinary cases, only the Holy Father can dispense from them.

Q. What are simple religious vows?

A. These are vows which are less absolute - the Holy See dispenses from perpetual and annual vows.

Q. What is the difference between a vow and a virtue?

A. A vow pertains only to that which is commanded under pain of sin; the virtue goes beyond this and helps in the carrying out of the vow; on the other hand, by breaking the vow we fail in the virtue and do it damage.

Q. To what do the religious vows oblige us?

A. The religious vows oblige us to strive to acquire the virtues and to submit ourselves completely to our Superiors and to the Rules which are in force; thus the religious gives his own person to the Community, renouncing every right over himself and his actions, which he sacrifices to the service of God.

The Vow of Poverty

The vow of poverty is the voluntary renunciation of the right over property or to the use of such property with the purpose of pleasing God.

Q. What objects does the vow of poverty concern?

A. All those goods and those objects which appertain to the Community. We have no longer any right over anything that has been given to us, once it has been accepted, whether an article or money. All these donations and presents, which may have been given us out of gratitude or in any other way, belong by right to the Community. We cannot make use, without violating the vow, of any wages we may receive for work or even any annuity.

Q. When do we break or violate the vow in a matter which entails the seventh commandment?

A. We break or violate it when, without permission, we take for ourselves anything that belongs to the house; when, without permission, we retain something in order to appropriate it; and when, without authorization, we sell or exchange something that belongs to the Community. When we make use of an object for some other purpose than that intended by the Superior. When we give to, or accept from another, anything whatsoever without permission. When by negligence we destroy or damage something. When, in going from one house to another, we take something with us without permission. In a situation where the vow is broken, the religious is bound to restitution to the Community.

The Virtue of Poverty

This is an evangelical virtue which impels the heart to detach itself from temporal things; the religious, in virtue of his profession, is strictly obliged to it.

Q. When do we sin against the virtue of poverty? When we desire something, contrary to this virtue. When we become attached to something, and when we make use of superfluous things. How many degrees of poverty are there and what are they?

A. There are, in practice, four degrees of poverty for one who is a professed religious: to dispose of nothing without the consent of the Superiors (the strict matter of the vow); to avoid superfluities and be content with necessities (this pertains to the virtue); to readily content oneself with things of inferior quality in what concerns one's cell, clothing, nourishment, etc., and to experience this contentment interiorly; to rejoice in extreme poverty.

The Vow of Chastity

Q. To what does this vow oblige us?

A. To renounce marriage and to avoid everything that is forbidden by the sixth and ninth commandments.

Q. Is a fault against the virtue a violation of the vow?

A. Every fault against the virtue is at the same time a violation of the vow, because here there is no difference, as in the case of poverty and obedience, between the vow and the virtue.

Q. Is every bad thought a sin?

A. No, every bad thought is not a sin; it becomes so only when the acquiescence of the will and consent are joined to the consideration of the mind.

Q. Is there anything, over and above sins against chastity, which is detrimental to the virtue?

A. Lack of custody of the senses, of the imagination, of the feelings; familiarity and sentimental friendships are detrimental to the virtue.

Q. What are the means by which this virtue may be preserved?

A. To conquer interior temptations with the thought of the presence of God, and moreover to fight without fear. And for exterior temptations, to avoid occasions. There are, in all, seven principal means: to guard the senses, to avoid occasions, to avoid idleness, to remove temptations promptly, to remove oneself from all - and especially particular friendships, the spirit of mortification, and to reveal all these temptations to one's confessor.

Besides this, there are also five means of preserving this virtue: humility, the spirit of prayer, modesty of the eyes, fidelity to the rule, a sincere devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Vow of Obedience

The vow of obedience is superior to the first two. It is, to tell the truth, a holocaust, and it is more necessary because it forms and animates the monastic body.

Q. To what does the vow of obedience oblige us?

A. By the vow of obedience, the religious promises to God to be obedient to his legitimate superiors in everything that they will ordain in virtue of the rule. The vow of obedience makes the religious dependent on his superior in virtue of these rules for his whole life and in all his affairs. A religious commits a grave sin against the vow every time he disobeys an order given in virtue of obedience and of these rules.

The Virtue of Obedience

The virtue of obedience goes further than the vow; it embraces the rules, the regulations and even the counsels of the superiors.

Q. Is the virtue of obedience indispensable for a religious?

A. The virtue of obedience is so indispensable to a religious that, even if he were to perform good actions contrary to obedience, these would be evil and without merit.

Q. Can we sin gravely against the virtue of obedience?

A. We sin gravely when we scorn the authority or the order of the superior, or when spiritual or temporal harm to the community results from our disobedience.

Q. What faults endanger the vow?

A. To be prejudiced against the superior, or to harbor an antipathy for him - murmuring and criticism, tardiness and negligence.

The Degrees of Obedience

Prompt and complete fulfillment - the obedience of the will, when the will persuades the intellect to submit to the advice of the superior. To facilitate obedience, Saint Ignatius suggests, moreover, three means: always to see God in our superior, whoever he might be; to justify in itself the order or advice of the superior; to accept each order as an order from God, without examining it or reflecting on it. General means: humility. Nothing is difficult for the humble. 

St. Faustina, Diary number [93]

Source: Divine Mercy in My Soul: by Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, published by Marians of the Immaculate Conception 

You may like/consider to purchase the book "Divine Mercy in my Soul" from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception website.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Mass Explained

The Holy Mass is the holiest thing we have here on earth.....


Because it is the action of Christ.

The main thing in the Mass is NOT what the priest preaches Nor what the people do or sing, BUT IT IS what Christ does.

He OFFERS HIMSELF for us, as He offered Himself on the Cross. He Sacrifices Himself for us.

The Mass is the same Sacrifice as that of the Cross renewed in an unbloody manner on the altar.

- Fr. Cormac Burke -

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Wonders of the Brown Scapular

A Sermon Delivered by Fr. James McGilloway, CMRI

One of the Catholic practices often criticized by non-Catholics and misunderstood even by many of the faithful is the wearing of the Brown Scapular. At first glance it might seem that this practice is presumptuous, and perhaps to some non-Catholics, even superstitious. So, especially for the sake of those who are not familiar with this sacramental, and to refresh the memories of those who are, I will speak briefly today about the origin, purpose and privileges of the Brown Scapular.

First of all, what is the origin of the Brown Scapular? In 1251 Simon Stock was the superior general of the Carmelites. This religious order had been undergoing persecution, and he had been praying for some time to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness of the order, for help and protection. In answer to his prayer, Our Lady appeared to him on July 16, 1251, holding in her hand a garment called a scapular, a word which comes from the Latin word scapula, for shoulder. To Simon Stock, who is now a canonized saint, the Blessed Virgin said: “Take, beloved son, this scapular of thy Order as a badge of my confraternity, and for thee and for all Carmelites, a sign of grace. Whoever dies in this garment will not suffer everlasting fire. It is a sign of salvation, a safeguard in dangers, a pledge of peace and of the covenant.”

The garment Our Lady gave St. Simon Stock was the size that the members of our religious congregation wear as part of our habit, reaching from the shoulders down nearly to the feet. The Catholic Church has since reduced the size of the scapular, as most of you know, to a very small size so that everyone can easily wear it over their shoulders under their clothing. But, as this promise was made only to the members of St. Simon Stock’s order, how can we, who are not Carmelites, receive the fulfillment of this promise? We can have a priest enroll us in the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular. This is done in a short ceremony in which any baptized Catholic who wishes to wear the Brown Scapular can become associated with the Carmelite Order, and thereby qualify to receive the fulfillment of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s promise.

As I mentioned already, this promise — namely, that whoever dies wearing this garment will not suffer eternal fire — may sound rather presumptuous. It may even seem to contradict what Jesus says in today’s Gospel: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven shall enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 7:21). Does the scapular promise mean that we can do our own will rather than God’s will? that we can live a sinful and worldly life and trust that we will go to heaven when we die because we wear the Brown Scapular? No, not at all.
First of all, if a Catholic chooses to wear the Brown Scapular, day in and day out, it should be an outward sign of his or her trust in the Blessed Virgin Mary. Such a one should be confident that Our Lady will use her powerful intercession with her Divine Son Jesus to obtain for him special graces to live a good Catholic life and remain in the state of grace. In fact, Pope Pius XII said that wearing the Brown Scapular should be an outward sign of one’s consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, indicating that the one wearing the Scapular has a childlike dependence upon the Blessed Virgin as a model of virtue and as an intercessor, trusting that she will obtain special graces for him to live a virtuous life and especially to avoid mortal sin.

Secondly, this promise means that at the hour of death, if we are wearing the Brown Scapular, our Blessed Mother will intercede with God to obtain the graces we need to remain in the state of grace in God’s friendship so that we can save our souls. Or, if we have the misfortune of being in the state of sin, she will intercede for us that we might receive the Holy Ghost and sanctifying grace back into our soul before we die. Perhaps she will obtain for us the grace to make a perfect act of contrition, or she may obtain from God’s Providence an arrangement such that a priest will come to hear our confession and perhaps even administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction before we die.

A critical or skeptical person might say, “Well, that sounds fine in theory, but what proof is there that it actually works that way in practice?” Actually, there are many stories that have been recorded and approved by the Church as worthy of belief that verify the truth of this promise. I will tell you about a few of these cases.
Back in the 1950’s in Ashtabula, Ohio (not far from my parish in Akron), a Catholic wearing the Brown Scapular was run over by a train and was cut in two. Yet somehow this man did not die right away, and a priest who was summoned came and heard his confession. The man then died. Apparently this happened because the man, who was wearing the Brown Scapular, needed to be absolved that he might save his soul according to Our Lady’s promise.

There is also a story of a young lady who made it a practice to wear the Brown Scapular, but began living a life of sin. Eventually she despaired of God’s mercy, and decided to kill herself. She threw herself into a river, hoping to drown. God in His Providence, however, because she was still wearing the Brown Scapular, arranged for a fisherman to see her. The man came quickly and tried to help her, but in her despair she refused his help. In the struggle she tore off the scapular and, throwing it away from herself, she then drowned.
In France, a fallen-away Catholic, an officer in the armed forces, had lived a sinful life and lay dying in a hospital. When he became unconscious, one of the attendants placed a Brown Scapular on him. When he regained consciousness and found the scapular around his neck, he cried out, “Why have you put fire on me? It’s burning me! Take it away! Take it away!” At that point he tore it off and soon died. These last two stories from the book Purgatory by Fr. Shouppe show us that if someone wearing the Brown Scapular at the hour of death is not repentant of mortal sin and not willing to cooperate with grace to be truly sorry for mortal sin, God, through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, will make sure that somehow the scapular is removed before that person dies.

Many Catholics, even among those who wear the Brown Scapular, are not aware of the second part of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s promise, namely that the scapular will be “a safeguard in danger.” Apparently the dangers referred to are not only those of a spiritual nature, but temporal or physical as well. Again, let us look at a few examples that illustrate this.

In the 1950’s in Germany a fire broke out in a residential neighborhood. One house after another caught on fire, to the point that within five hours 22 homes had burned to the ground. Only one remained untouched. Why? Because when the fire was approaching a member of that household took a Brown Scapular and fastened it to the front door of the house. The fire literally went around this house. People were amazed to see this one house standing untouched while 22 others around it were reduced to smoking rubble.

In 1845 an English ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean was on the point of being sunk by a hurricane. A young Irishman on board, upon seeing the danger the ship was in, took off his Brown Scapular and threw it into the huge waves. Immediately the wind ceased and the waves became calm. Another wave washed the Brown Scapular back onto the deck. A Protestant minister and his wife who were present asked the young man what it was that he threw into the ocean. This was the beginning of their conversion to the Catholic Faith.

There is another account of a priest who was offering Mass when a maniac with a gun came into the church and shot at him. The priest continued offering Mass, and everyone assumed the man had missed. After Mass, when the priest took off his vestments, he found the bullet embedded in his Brown Scapular. Finally, in the area of spiritual dangers, a holy Frenchman named Francis Ypes — in fact he is called Venerable by the Church — one day dropped his scapular. The devil appeared to him howling, saying “Take it off! Take off the habit which snatches so many souls from us!” The devil then admitted that there were three things he feared: the Holy Name of Jesus, the Holy Name of Mary, and the Brown Scapular.

I hope that this information and these examples will motivate you to wear the Brown Scapular if you do not already do so. And if you do wear it, I hope that it will motivate you to wear it with greater trust and confidence and dependence upon the Blessed Virgin Mary, your spiritual Mother. If you faithfully wear the Brown Scapular throughout life and at the hour of death, you will understand more clearly why we address the Blessed Virgin in the Salve Regina with these words: “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! Hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope! Turn then thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile show unto us the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.



The Blessed Virgin teaches us:
  • To be open to God, and to his will, shown to us in the events of our lives;
  • To Listen to the Word of God in the Bible and in life, to believe in it and to put into practice its demands;
  • To pray at all times, as a way of discovering the presence of God in all that is happening around us;
  • To be involved with people, being attentive to their needs.
The Scapular finds its roots in the tradition of the Order, which has seen in it a sign of Mary’s motherly protection. It has therefore, a centuries old spiritual meaning approved by Church.
  • It stands for a commitment to follow Jesus, like Mary, the perfect model of all the disciples of Christ. This commitment finds its origin in baptism by which we become children of God.
  • It leads us into the community of Carmel, a community of religious men and women, which has existed in the Church for over eight centuries.
  • It reminds us of the example of the saints of Carmel, with whom we establish a close bond as brothers and sisters to one another.
  • It is an expression of our belief that we will meet God in eternal life, aided by the intercession and prayers of Mary.


  • People are enrolled in the Scapular only once by a priest or authorized person.
  • The Scapular can be replaced afterwards by a medal, which has on one side the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and on the other, the image of Mary.
  • The Scapular holds us to live as authentic Christians in line with the teaching of the Gospel, to receive the sacraments, to profess our special devotion to the Blessed Virgin, which should be expressed each day, at least by saying the Hail Mary three times.
Short form of giving the scapular
Receive this Scapular, a sign of your special relationship with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, whom you pledge to imitate. May it be a reminder to you of your dignity as a Christian in serving others and imitating Mary. Wear it as a sign of her protection and of belonging to the family of Carmel, voluntarily doing the will of God and devoting yourself to building a world true to his plan of community, justice and peace.
The Carmelite Scapular is not:
  • a magical charm to protect you
  • an automatic guarantee of salvation
  • an excuse for not living up to the demands of the Christian life
It is a sign:
  • which has been approved by the Church for over seven centuries;
  • which stands for the decision to
    • follow Jesus like Mary:
    • be open to God and to his will
    • be guided by faith, hope, and love
    • to pray at all times
    • to discover God present in all that happens around us.

Recommended Reading:- The Brown Scapular