Friday, August 12, 2011

Prepare for The Warning - Illumination of Conscience part 1

"...great event will shock everyone..." (see Paragraph 2)

"...will see great signs in the skies before The Warning takes place..."
(see Paragraph 2)

"Stars will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being catastrophic. As these comets infuse a great red sky will result and the sign of my cross will be seen all over the world by everyone."
(see Paragraph 2)

"...for the first time in your lives, a truly Divine Sign that represents great news for sinners everywhere." (see Paragraph 2)

"See My cross then and you will know that My great mercy is being given to each of you, My precious children."  (see Paragraph 3)

"The Warning you will know that this is a sign of My love for you."
  (see Paragraph 3)


You will be shown what it is like to die in mortal sin

" The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you. It may be unpleasant in part especially for those in grave sin. Because for the first time ever you will be shown what it feels like when the light of God disappears from your life. Your souls will feel the abandonment felt by those who die in mortal sin. These poor souls who left it too late to ask God to forgive them their sins. Remember it is important that I allow all of  you to feel this emptiness of soul. For only then will you finally understand that without the light of God in your souls you cease to feel. Your soul and body would be just empty vessels. Even sinners feel the light of God because he is present in every one of his children on earth. But when you die in mortal sin, this light no longer exists.

Prepare now for this great event. Save your souls while you can. For it will only be when the light of God leaves you that you will finally realise the empty, barren and darkness that Satan offers which is full of anguish and terror.

Replenish your souls. Rejoice now for The Warning will save you and bring you closer to My Sacred Heart.

Welcome the Warning. For then  you will be given the proof of Eternal Life and know how important it is. "


Mystical Event to be experienced by all over 7 years of age

"Don’t feel hurt when people dismiss these messages My daughter. Just be thankful that they are being given this gift. They will understand the truth of this prophecy after this mystical event which will be experienced by all of My children over seven years of age everywhere throughout the world takes place. Those who live after this event will be more cautious about the contents of this sacred book. They will find it difficult to ignore even if their faith is weak. Others who don’t want to know the truth still need to be reminded of the contents of this work."


The Warning – Second Coming Close – Chance to Save your souls


After the Warning do not turn back to your old ways

"I urge all of you that when  you have seen My presence and shown how sin,  not only offends me but propels you down the pathway to Hell that  you must not turn back to your old ways.

The period after the Warning is crucial for world peace and your salvation. Do not reject this gift. Grasp it with both arms. Let The Warning bring you as one in Me. When  you do this and pray for guidance you will be rewarded with the New Paradise on Earth where you will want for nothing.

Rejoice. Listen to Me. Heed My message and allow My love to envelop you towards My glorious kingdom.

I love you all. The next time you feel a stab of love in your heart for another fellow being remember that this gift comes from Me. Without love there is no life."


"The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls." (see Paragraph 1)

"The Warning will change everything. But it will present a fork in the road. Mankind, when having been woken up to the truth of the existence of God will then, through his own free will chose one of two paths. The path of salvation. Or the path of damnation." (see Paragraph 2)
Chastisement will wipe out much of the world

"Pray hard that man chooses the first. For if he doesn’t the world will suffer the most severe chastisement with much of it wiped out. Why would My children wish this? Yet, because of sin, man will sadly chose to ignore My promise and follow the path of the Deceiver. I have told you I will not give  you a date for The Warning for this is known by only a few chosen souls. For if this date were to be made public people would be tempted to seek redemption out of a sense of false humility. Trust in Me. All will be well children. You are blessed to be given this wonderful gift of Revelation. The world will now seem to  become quieter and somewhat strange in the coming months leading up to The Warning.
{note: time of this writing is Tuesday 31st May 2011 15.30 hours} For when it happens , spectacular though it will be visually in the sky so quiet will this mystical experience be that you will be more prepared for this silent encounter with your own conscience."


"Remember the more people that are forewarned of this event the more souls will be saved. Pray pray My Divine Mercy for those souls who will die during The Warning. They need your prayers." (see Last Paragraph)

"Pray My beloved followers that your brothers and sisters can rejoice when they, too, are shown the proof of My existence. Pray that they will accept that this is their chance to redeem themselves in My eyes. That this great act of Mercy will save their souls if they will allow Me to help them." (see Paragraph 4)

"Only prayer, by believers can help you then. Prayer by My followers, combined with the recital of my Divine Chaplet of the Divine Mercy gift, given to Sister Faustina in the 20th Century {note: St. Faustina Diary} can save your souls at the time of your death." ( Look at everyone through My Eyes >> see Paragraph 3)

"Pray, pray, pray My Divine Mercy for your own souls and those of non-believers now. Prayer groups will help spread the truth, instill faith in those who have lost all sense of who they are and where they came from. It will be instrumental in igniting the spread of evangelical enlightenment which will now be felt in all parts of the world as the time approaches for the prophecies in relation to My Second Coming on Earth begin to be revealed as they unfold before a series of global events. (a)

Be prepared children at all times. Keep in a state of grace and keep your hearts open to My teachings of love and peace on earth. If My children all followed My teachings then there would be no wars, greed, hatred or poverty in the world. You need to sit down quietly every one of you for just half an hour each day.

Go through the psalms, the parables and ask yourself “does this lesson apply to my life in today’s world?”  You know the answer is, of course, yes. Pray for the strength to change your attitudes and views on life after death. Remember this important lesson. Earth is simply a brief passage in time. The only true happiness and eternal life is with Me in Heaven, Paradise – My Father’s Kingdom."