Saturday, September 17, 2011

Prayer When Unable to Assist at Daily Mass

Go, my Angel Guardian dear,
To church for me------the Mass to hear.
Go, kneel devoutly at my place
And treasure for me every grace.
At the Offertory time
Please offer me to God Divine.
All I have and all I am,
Present it with the Precious Lamb.
Adore for me the great Oblation.
Pray for all I hold most dear
Be they far or be they near.
Remember, too, my own dear dead
For whom Christ's Precious Blood was shed.
At Communion bring spiritually to me
Christ's flesh and blood my food to be,
To give me strength and holy grace;
A pledge to see Him face to face,
And when the Holy Mass is done
Then with His blessing, come back home.

Taken from:- Jezu Ufam Tobie