Many times, we go to church for prayers, praise and blessings, but we so often do not understand what is the real meaning of the Seasons in our Mother Church.
As we are coming towards the Season of Advent would like to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ, the meaning of Advent.
It will be short and simple, coz I’m not good at words. Apologise for that.
Advent??? What is that??
“Advenio“ (Latin) or Advent means, “to come to”, and thus refers to the coming of Christ.
It a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.
For Christians, the season of Advent serves as a reminder both of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah as well as the waiting of Christians for Christ's return.
Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas, and therefore varies in length between 22 days and 28 days. (In 2011, it is 28 days long.)
Advent Calender year 2011 as below.
· First Sunday of Advent (Sunday, November 27, 2011)
· Second Sunday of Advent (Sunday, December 4, 2011)
· Feast of Saint Nicholas (Tuesday, December 6, 2011)
· Immaculate Conception (Thursday, December 8, 2011)
Holy Day of Obligation
· Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) (Sunday, December 11, 2011)
· Our Lady of Guadalupe (Monday, December 12, 2011)
· Feast of Saint Lucy (Tuesday, December 13, 2011)
· Fourth Sunday of Advent (Sunday, December 18, 2011)
· Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24, 2011)
· Christmas (Sunday, December 25, 2011)
Holy Day of Obligation
What are the signs that we are already in the season?
Priest wear purple vestments, and the Gloria ("Glory to God") is omitted during Mass.
The only exception is on the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday, when priests can wear rose-colored vestments; this exception is designed to encourage us to continue our prayer and fasting, because we can see that Advent is more than halfway over.
So how should we prepare ourselves for this season?
First Fast, Then Feast. Yes!!! that’s how it suppose to be. Not feast all the way~ but Advent should be marked by increased prayer, fasting, and good works.
We as Catholic’s should observe the Philip's Fast (Nativity Fast) during Advent till Christmas. That is why Advent has traditionally been known as a "little Lent."
Traditionally, all great feasts have been preceded by a time of fasting, which makes the feast itself more joyful. Sadly, Advent today has supplanted by "the Christmas shopping season," so that by Christmas Day, many people no longer enjoy the feast.
=The End=
Thanks to – –
Advent Prayer:
“Father in heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of your love and our minds are searching for the light of your Word.
Increase our longing for Christ our Savior and give us the strength to grow in love, that the dawn of his coming may find us rejoicing in his presence and
welcoming the light of his truth.
May the lure of greed not impede us from the joy which moves the hearts of those who seek him. May the darkness not blind us to the vision of wisdom which fills the minds of those who find him.
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever faithful to your promises and ever close to your Church: the earth rejoices in hope of the Savior's coming and looks forward with longing to his return at the end of time.
Prepare our hearts and remove the sadness that hinders us from feeling the joy and hope which his presence will bestow.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. “ AMEN