Friday, February 10, 2012

Ordinary Offerings Most Powerful

(After working diligently in menial activity, trusting that God would help her accomplish it). I took up the pot with ease and poured off the water perfectly. But when I took off the cover to let the potatoes steam off, I saw there in the pot, in the place of the potatoes, whole bunches of red roses, beautiful beyond description. I had never seen such roses before. Greatly astonished and unable to understand the meaning of this, I heard a voice within me saying, I change such hard work of yours into bouquets of most beautiful flowers, and their perfume rises up to My throne. From then on I have tried to drain the potatoes myself, not only during my week when it was my turn to cook...I try to be the first to help in any other burdensome task, because I have experienced how much this pleases God. (65)
 A great mystery took place during that adoration, a mystery between the Lord and myself. It seemed to me that I would die of love [at the sight of] His glance. I spoke much with the Lord, without uttering a single word. And the Lord said to me, You are the delight of My Heart; from today on, every one of your acts, even the very smallest, will be a delight to My eyes, whatever you do. (137)
Pure love ... knows that only one thing is needed to please God: to do even the smallest things out of great love - love, and always love. (140)

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